The International Daughters’ Day is observed every year on the fourth Sunday in the month of September. This year the day is being observed today on 26th Sep. The day is considered very important for all the girl children across the world and today the people are celebrating International Daughters Day. The People across the globe celebrate it by exchanging the greetings and gifts with their daughters to make them feel special. On this occasion, Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu took to his Twitter and shared pic of his loving daughter Sitara. Bharat Ane Nenu star came up with an interesting caption: seven billion smiles, and yours is my favourite! Daughters Day.”
On the otherside Namrta, the wife of Mahesh Babu also took to Instagram and posted a special message for their daughter Sitara, and she called her “my sunshine.”
Malayalam star Nivin Pauly also penned a sweet note for his daughter Rhesu, “ As you grow older and into what you will be, Rhesu darling, you will always be my angel.”
On the work front, Mahesh Babu is working for Parasuram’ magnum opus Sarkaru Vaari Paata which has Keerthy Suresh in the female lead. According to Mahesh Babu, the makers have wrapped up 70 percent of the shoot.
Special Wishes on the Special day
Superstar @urstrulyMahesh & #NamrataGhattamaneni Conveys their Special Wishes to #SitaraGhattamaneni on #DaughtersDay
— BA Raju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) September 26, 2021
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