Renowned director Puri Jagannadh is celebrating his birthday today and several fans and followers including celebrities from the industry have wished him on his big day. Puri Jagannadh is known for helming ism, Pokiri, ismart Shankar, and Temper. Well, what impressed the netizens on this occasion is Mahesh Babu‘ special birthday wish for Puri Jagannadh. Bharat Ane Nenu and Maharshi fame Mahesh Babu took to his social media handle and tweeted, ” Happy birthday Puri Jagannadh sir! Wishing you an incredible year filled with happiness & great health.”
The former actress and producer Charmee Kaur, who is good friend of Puri Jagannadh replied to Mahesh Babu’ tweet and said, “Thank u so much .. love and respect. Puri garu says “LOVE U”.
It is known that Mahesh Babu and Temper helmer have worked together for the blockbuster movie Pokiri which was released in 2006. Later, once again the actor-director duo again collaborated for 2012 action crime movieBusiness Man, which also became a blockbuster at the theatres. Earlier it was being said that duo were supposed to join hands for the movie Jana Gana Mana, but things did not materialize.
Meanwhile Puri Jagannadh is busy in his magnum opus Liger. Mahesh Babu is working with Parasuram for Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
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