Former world heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson has been roped in for the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Pandey starrer upcoming film Liger, which is progressing at the brisk pace in Goa under the direction of Puri Jagannadh. Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar, who is bankrolling the project, also confirmed the same on his Twitter handle, he wrote, “For the first time ever, the king of the ring will be seen on the big screens of Indian cinema! Welcoming Mike Tyson to the LIGER team!” The movie loves are surprised after hearing that Mike Tyson will be seen in Liger. One of the netizen said, “Is mike tyson actually in the movie.” Another netizen said: very happy to watch Mike Tyson in a indian film , the last time I watched him in Todd’s Hangover part 1 movie.”
Another Twitter user said: Wow Miek Tyson, Really excited for #Liger Is he coach for VD.”
The movie lovers are eager to know how much Mike Tyson is being paid for this role In Liger. The sources say that Mike Tyson will make a cameo appearance in the climax portions of Puri Jagannadh’ directorial venture. Vijay Deverakonda will be seen as an MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter with a stutter.
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