Naga Shaurya and Ritu Varma are coming together with an upcoming Telugu romantic and comedy movie Varudu Kavaalenu which is helmed by debutant Lakshmi Sowjanya and bankrolled by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi under the banner of Sithara Entertainments whereas the music is scored by Vishal Chandrashekhar. Now according to the latest report, the makers of Varudu Kaavalenu have locked the release date. Today Naga Shaurya took to his twitter and revealed that the movie Varudu Kaavalenu will be released on 15th October.
Few days ago the makers of Varudu Kaavalenu released the teaser that showed Ritu Varma’s mother, is the search of a suitable bridegroom for her daughter. But, Ritu Varma character was determined to foil the matchmaking plans. Her life took a turn when Naga Shaurya fell in love with her, owing to her beauty and attitude.
Vamsi Patchipulusu is the cinematographer for this romantic drama Varudu Kaavalenu whereas and Vishal Chandrashekhar is the music composer.
Apart from the lead pair, the film Varudu Kavalenu has Vennela Kishore, Praveen, Murali Sharma, and Harsha Vardhan in the crucial roles.
On the work front, Ritu Varma was last seen in Natural star Nani starrer family drama Tuck Jagadish whereas Naga Shaurya is waiting for the release of Lakshya.
All set to meet you guys this Dussehra
Get ready for the fun unlimitedOur #VaruduKaavalenu coming to theatres near you from 15th October, 2021.#VaruduKaavalenuFrom15thOct
@riturv @LakshmiSowG @vamsi84 @Composer_Vishal @ganeshravuri @vamsi84 @NavinNooli @adityamusic— Naga Shaurya (@IamNagashaurya) September 25, 2021
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