Akkineni couple Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya’ marriage trouble has been in news for the past few days. According to the latest buzz in the south Indian film industry, the couple is seeking to end their four years of marriage and part their ways. However, both are maintaining silence on this divorce rumor. Recently Nagarjuna hosted a party after Naga Chaitanya starrer film Love Story became a blockbuster at the box office. While Aamir Khan attended the party, but the absence of Samantha Akkineni has become a h*t topic of discussion in the film circles.
A photograph is going viral on social media where Nagarjuna and his family hosted a dinner party for Aamir Khan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu went missing. Aamir Khan was in Hyderabad in order to promote and show support for Love Story.
Nagarjuna, Akhil, Naga Chaitanya, Sai Pallavi, Sekhar Kammula and Aamir Khan attended the party and Samantha’ absence has added more strength to divorce rumors. They are seen participating in a cake-cutting ceremony.
On the work front, Samantha Akkineni will next be seen in Shaakuntalam, which is directed by Gunasekhar who is known for delivering woman centric movie Rudhramadevi.
Meanwhile Naga Chaitanya is making his debut in Bollywood with Laal Singh Chaddha starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan.
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