It is known that recently Jana Sena Chief and the actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan fans tried to attack YSRCP supporter and actor Posani Krishna Murali for his remarks criticizing the ‘Power Star’ for his speech against the government. The controversy started last week when Power Star came down heavily on the Andhra Pradesh government’s stance on online film ticket sales. Jana Sena Chief warned the YSRCP government against targeting Telugu film Industry. This lead to several top leaders of YSRCP launching a scathing attack on Pawan Kalyan. A day after he lashed out at Pawan Kalyan, the actor and politician Posani Krishna Murali’s house is said to have been subjected to a stone attack after unidentified people pelted stones at his residence.
The issue came to the limelight when the watchman of Posani Krishna Murali filed a complaint at the Police Station against the attack saying that the glass of windows and doors were damaged in this attack. This incident took place around 2 am.
The sources say that the few people pelted the stones Posani Krishna Murali’ residence near Ameerpet.
Recently Posani Krishna Mulali said that Pawan Kalyan’s fans can’t digest criticism, claimed to have received thousands of abusive phone calls and messages.
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