The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda who is known for acting in Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam, is currently working for his Pan Indian film Liger, which has Ananya Pandey as the leading lady. During the grand finale of Indian idol season 12, World famous Lover actor promised Shanmukha Priya to give a chance to sign in his movie and finally Vijay Deverakonda kept his promise. Shanmukha Priya croones a song for Liger which is a Pan Indian project and this is the first time, Vijay Deverakonda is working with Puri Jagnnadh of ismart Shankar, Temper and Pokiri fame.
Vijay Deverakonda took to his Twitter to share a video that features Shanmukha Priya and her mother visiting the actor’ house in Hyderabad. Vijay’ mom felicitated Shanmukha Priya and also presented her sarees and other gifts.
Charmme Kaur also shared on Twitter a video of Shanmukha Priya meeting Geetha Govindam actor and recording a song for Liger.
Apart from the lead pair, the film also has Ronit Roy, Vishu Reddy, Ramya Krishna, Ali, Makarand Deshpande, Abdul Quadir Amin, and Getup Srinu in the crucial roles.
Liger marks Vijay Deverakonda’ debut in Hindi film industry whereas Ananya Pandey’ debut in Telugu film Industry. The movie is jointly bankrolled by Puri Jagannadh, Charmee Kaur and Karan Johar.
There is no greater happiness than being able to make someone’s dream come true
Team #Liger welcomes this little rockstar SMP on board our terrific album!
— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) September 6, 2021
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