Few days ago, we reported that Samyuktha Menon has been roped in an upcoming film Bheemla Nayak to play one of the female lead role. She has been paired opposite Rana Daggubati. The actress Samyuktha Menon confirmed the same by sharing a post on Twitter, “I’m Truly Blessed and So Happy to have shared the Screen Space with The Leader, The PowerStar Pawan Kalyan Sir and pairing with Rana Daggubati in Bheemla Nayak Film. Couldn’t ask for a beautiful Debut in Telugu Industry. This Sankranthi is Going to be Massive.”
The movie lovers and the fans of Rana Daggubati are very happy as Samyuktha Menon is going to play Rana Daggubati’ wife in Bheemla Nayak. One of the netizen named Bhargav said: Really Happy news madam…Hearty Congratulations on your debut.
May God bless you to act with our jenasenani Pawan Kalyan sir. Another netizen Pranu said: truly we r surprised mam Samyukthaa Menon but ur so great firstly in telugu movies with Pawan Kalyan sir, all the very best mam.”
Bheemla Nayak is an upcoming Telugu film which has Pawan Kalyan and Rana Daggubati in the lead roles. The shoot of Bheemla Nayak is going on at the brisk pace under the direction of Saagar K Chandra.
I’m Truly Blessed and So Happy to have shared the Screen Space with The Leader, The PowerStar @PawanKalyan Sir and pairing with @RanaDaggubati in #BheemlaNayak Film. Couldn’t ask for a beautiful Debut in Telugu Industry. This Sankranthi is Going to be Massive . pic.twitter.com/EHaTRnargA
— Samyuktha Menon (@SamyukthaaMenon) October 2, 2021
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