Recently Anil Kumar Yadav, Minister for Water Resources, stated that they are open to constructive criticism from anyone, including Jana Sena Chief and the actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan. In response to Pawan Kalyan criticizing the ruling YSRCP administration for selling online tickets through a portal, Andhra Pradesh Minister had stated that it is aimed at transparency rather than encouraging the black money.
Minister had also said, “Whether it is Pawan Kalyan or Sampoornesh Babu, the difficulty of acting is the same.” He had also asked, “How much is Pawan Kalyan charging for a film? Why can’t he reduce his remuneration so that the movie production cost comes down? If he does so, there will not be any problems.” Few days ago, Kodali Nani had also made comments on Pawan Kalyan’ remuneration. While none from the film industry talked on this topic, Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV responded to this.
Satya helmer Ram Gopal Varma said, “ It seems Anil Kumar Yadav is not aware the way movies are made and how people get attracted to the movies. Only a hero’s face has the ability to pull the movie lovers to theaters and there is nothing wrong to pay Pawan Kalyan such a hefty remuneration.
Ram Gopal Varma gave an example and said, if you want to buy a Mercedes car, you will pay a huge price, though the actual price of the total metal is just 10 percent of it. You are actually paying the high money for the brand. Similarly, an actor will pull the movie lovers to theatre as he is a brand.
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from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood