Kantara Box office collections: Rishab Shetty’ directorial venture the Kannada action drama Kantara is unstoppable at the box office. Apart from helming this film Rishab Shetty also played the lead role in this film, which is running successfully at the box office and is winning the hearts of the movie lovers. According to the latest report, Kantara has already crossed half million marks at the USA box office and it needs another $250K for crossing Yash and Prashanth Neel’ action rama KGF: Chapter 1.
An industry tracker tweeted: Kantara need another $250K for crossing #KGFChapter1 lifetime collection in the USA 3rd Kannada Film crossed Half a million Dollars in the USA and three movies are produced by @hombalefilms
The extraordinary run of Rishab Shetty’ Kantara at the box office continues as the film is showing no signs of slowing down. The dubbed versions of the film have also hit the theaters yesterday. If the dubbed versions can have a fraction of the reception the film is having in Karnataka, it can post a huge all-India number. In Karnataka, more shows of the film are being added each day. Theatre owners are finding it difficult to allocate more shows as demand for the tickets is so high.
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