Uttej was introduced by Ram Gopal Varma with the Telugu film Siva, which was released in 1989. His mentor Krishna Vamsi gave him life on the Silver Screen by introducing him to Ram Gopal Varma. Uttej is known as one of the most sensible and sensitive persons in the Film Industry. Uttej helped many in their early days and also showcased his talent as a writer. Uttej won the Nandi Award for the film Chandamama where he played the role of a comedian. Uttej has acted along with many lead actors and also worked as assistant director to Krishna Vamsi for the film Gulabi. According to the latest update, Uttej has filed a police complaint yesterday.
Uttej has a textile shop Alankar Designers in Yellareddigudam, Hyderabad, which is running by his wife Padmavathi. Yesterday, three women came to Uttej’s shop for the purpose for purchasing sarees. They pretended that they are the real customers and were busy in selecting only costly sarees. Though they not purchase any saree but they stole three costly sarees from Uttej’ shop. Later when Padmavathi informed to Uttej that the three sarees are missing. He(Uttej) saw the CCTV footage, and came to know that the three ladies who came to his shop, and act like customers, have stolen 3 costly sarees.
Uttej has registered a police complaint to Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar police. The police said, “The worth of these three sarees which were stolen from Uttej shop, is approx Rs 80,000/. The case has been registered and the investigation has been started on the basis of CCTV footage.
On the otherside, recently Uttej was in news headlines because of Controversial actress Sri Reddy’s protest against casting couch and sexual ravishment in film industry, and her membership issue. Uttej said, ” Telugu actress Sri Reddy just spoiled a golden chance trying to rake in more publicity for her issue.” Uttej further said, “I have two daughters.r. My daughter Chetana is already an actress. Now, I want to bring my second daughter into the Industry.”
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