Manoj Bharathiraja, the son of director P Bharathiraja, was caught red handed driving under influence at Nungambakkam by traffic police on Friday. He is the second Tamil actor in recent times who was caught drunk and drive case. According to the latest report, “Manoj had attended an event at Nungambakkam where he had consumed alcohol and when he was returning in his BMW car, he was found speeding on Sterling Road around 2 pm. So he was stopped by Nungambakkam traffic police. Manoj came out of the car and on suspicion, the police conducted breath analyser test on him. The breath analyser test confirmed that Manoj was drunk. The police seized Manoj’s vehicle and took it to Nungabakkam police station.
Manoj was booked under IPC section 279 (Rash driving or riding on a public way) and sections 185 (Driving by a drunken person or by a person under the influence of drugs). Manoj was fined Rs 2,500 before registering a drunk driving case. Last year actor Jai was also booked by the police for drunk driving. He was driving the car- Audi- rammed into the wall of the Adyar bridge.
Manoj made his acting debut with Taj Mahal in 1999. He has been the part of few Tamil movies like Annakodi, Baby, Pallavan, Varushamellam Vasantham, Eera Nilam and he was last seen in Vaaimai, which was released in 2016. Before becoming an actor in the Tamil film industry, Manoj worked as an assistant actor. He worked as an assistant to his father P Bharathiraja in films such as Bommalattam and noted filmmaker Mani Ratnam in Bombay.
In 2006, Manoj married his longtime girlfriend actress Nandana, who has appeared in Tamil films such as ABCD and Success. Nandhana was his co-star in the film Saadhuriyan. The marriage was held at Ashirwad Marriage Hall at Kozhikode, Kerala.
from topstories – Tollywood