Tollywood (Chicago) S*x Racket involving actresses from Telugu Film Industry, has already created lot of buzz in Tollywood. The Guntur police arrested one person of a five persons gang who allegedly tried to defame Telugu Association of North America (TANA) president Satish Vemana on the social media by linking him to the Chicago s*x racket involving Telugu actresses and anchors.
On Friday, addressing a press conference, Additional SP YT Naidu said that Maguluri Hari Babu, a resident of the Inner Ring Road (IRR) area in Guntur lodged complaint. The complaint stated that the five persons were trying to defame TANA following the Chicago (Tollywood) s*x racket. He said, “TANA member Voleti Venkata Mohan and four others – Paruchuri, Phanidhar, Putti Sarath and Gopalakrishna sent messages to TANA president Satish Vemana in abusive language.” He added, “Venkata Mohan was unable to digest the good name that Mr Satish Vemana was earning through his social service and he had conspired to defame him through social media. So Venkat Mohan took the help of Bhargav, Paruchuri Phanidhar, Putti Sarath and Gopalakrishna living in the US to carry out his plan.”
“Venkata Mohan called his friend Bhargav and told him that he needs a SIM number in Andhra Pradesh. So he gave him a SIM Card which belong to his mother Pavani. Venkata Mohan used this number to create the Whatsapp account and later he started to send objectionable messages to the relatives of Satish Vemana, other Tana members and friends in USA and Andhra Pradesh. The gang forwarded messages alleging Satish Vemana’s involvement in the Chicago (Tollywood) s*x racket. When Satish Vemana came to India, once again he received the objectionable messages. So he asked his relative Maguluri Hari Babu of the Inner Ring Road area of Guntur to lodge a complaint with the police. Later he lodged a complaint in Nallapadu police station. After the investigation, the police arrested Bhargav”, added YT Naidu Naidu.
He further added, “ The look-out notices would be issued to nab other accused Venkata Mohan, Paruchuri Phanidhar, Putti Sarat and Gopala Krishna and others very soon.”
from topstories – Tollywood