Mehreen Kaur Pirzada took to social media today Tuesday morning to clear the air about some rumours circulating on her on Internet. The actress also released the press release and confirmed the news that she did not participate in any promotional interview of her upcoming movie Pantham. According to Mehreen Kaur Pirzada, she missed the last promotional event of Pantham as she was down with viral fever and she was in Mumbai.
Mehreen Kaur Pirzada said that she was travelling with her family on a vacation from Vancouver to Las Vegas for a weekend holiday, when she was questioned by the US Border officials when they found out she was an actress from Telugu Film Industry.
The actress further said, “I have a very good rapport with the media as they have always treated me extremely well. Once in for all I’m stating that facts as to what happened with me in USA. I was traveling with my family on a vacation from Vancouver to Las Vegas for a weekend holiday. When I was going through immigration, on finding out that I am an actress in Tollywood, I was questioned by the US Border officials as to the reason why I was travelling in United State. The officials then told me about the scandal which was the first that I heard about it. On finding out that I have nothing to do with the said issue, the officials apologized to me and let me travel without any further problems. I came out publicity regarding the incident for the sake of propriety as I felt it’s best that I make a statement before anyone else assume otherwise. The fact that I was embarrassed by the situation and very shaken up is a personal thing. It pains me that the actions of a few bad people have tarnished the image of a vibrant and thriving industry. I hope the perpetrators of this scandal are punished as they deserve to be.”
Meanwhile Mehreen Kaur Pirzada is waiting for the release of Gopichand starrer Pantham, directed by K. Chakravarthy Reddy and produced by K. K. Radhamohan under the banner of Sri Sathya Sai Arts. The movie has other stars like Hamsa Nandini, Sampath Raj, Jayaprakash Reddy, Sayaji Shinde, Pavitra Lokesh, Srinivasa Reddy and others in supporting roles.
Apart from Pantham, Mehreen Kaur Pirzada will also be seen in Vijay Deverakonda starrer NOTA and Venkatsh & Varun Tej starerr F2 – Fun & Frustration.
from topstories – Tollywood