Sanju, Rajkumar Hirani’s directorial venture, the biopic of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, in which Ranbir Kapoor played the lead role, is defeating everyone at the box office this year. Sanju has also crushed the record of SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali 2 at Australia box office (Also Read: but became fail to beat Tik Tik Tik and Mr Chandramouli in Chennai.
According to the latest update, Sanju is doing superb collections at the box office and it has earned Rs 250 Cr at Indian box office by the end of its second weekend and, in the process, it has surpassed the lifetime collection of Krrish 3 starring Krithik Roshan and Priyanka Chopra. Released on 4,000 screens across India, the movie had collected Rs 34.75 crore on its opening day.
Witnessing a huge growth in its business over the first weekend, Sanju collected Rs 120.06 Cr by the end of its first three days. But the biopic has not managed to make it to the top spot at the Chennai box office. In its first weekend, it was trumped by Jayam Ravi starrer Tik Tik Tik and this time, Mr. Chandramouli starring Regina Cassandra and Gautham Karthik made it slip down to No.3 on the box office charts. This news is confirmed by trade analyst Sreedhar Pillai. He tweeted, “Top 5 at Chennai Box-Office – July 6 to 8 : No.5 #Asuravadham, No.4 #Incredibles2, No.3 #Sanju, No.2 #TikTikTik, No.1 #MrChandramouli”
Mr Chandramouli is directed by Thiru and produced by G. Dhananjayan. Apart from the lead pair, Mr Chandramouli has other stars like Karthik and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in important role. India’s first space film Tik Tik Tik is science fiction thriller film, helmed by Shakti Soundar Rajan and produced by Nemichand Jhabak.
Both the movies Mr Chandamouli and Tik Tik Tik didn’t fetch great reviews but managed to create record at the box office.
from topstories – Tollywood