Stylish Star Allu Arjun attended the audio launch event of Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna starrer upcoming movie Geetha Govindam, as Chief Guest which was held yesterday in Hyderabad. He launched the audio CD and gave it to Arjun Reddy fame Vijay Devarakonda. On this occasion, Allu Arjun heaped praises on Vijay Deverakonda. Bunny Said, “Geetha Govindam is a good film, I have watched it recently. I am very impressed with the performance of both the actors- Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna.” Allu Arjun added, “We have many good performers in our Film industry. However, Vijay Devarakonda is a great performer. Geetha Govindam is lady oriented movie but Vijay Deverakonda made it a hero and heroine oriented romantic entertainer with his wonderful performance. I am not able to sleep the night after watching his performance.”
Allu Arjun also talked about Rashmika Mandanna’s performance in Geetha Govindam and showered appreciations on music director Gopi Sundar and other cast and crew.
On this occasion Vijay Deverakonda said, “I was trolled a lot when the song What The F was released. I am making an open offer to the people to sing this song. If our team likes your voice, you could be the lucky singer to sing the song for Geetha Govindam, instead of me.”
Geetha Govindam is helmed by Parasuram, and produced by Bunny Vas whereas presented by Allu Aravind. Gopi Sundar is the music composer. Geetha Govindam is scheduled to hit the theaters on 15th August on the occasion of Independence Day.
Allu Arjun was last seen in Naa Peru Surya, and it is heard that the actor has reportedly pocketed Rs 20 crore plus for this recently released movie. The sources say that even though Allu Arjun didn’t take any money before or during the shoot of Naa Peru Surya, but Lagadapati Sridhar paid Bunny more than Rs 20 cr after making a business of over Rs 100 Cr including all the rights. Meanwhile Vijay Deverakonda is also busy in his upcoming movies – NOTA and Dear Camrade.
from topstories – Tollywood