Natural Star Nani congratulated all the contestants of Bigg Boss 2 Telugu for completing 50 days stay inside the Bigg Boss house. He started the Sunday’s Bigg Boss 2 Telugu episode with a game. Nani, who is the host of this controversial reality show asked the nominated housemates to wear raincoats and others housemate to throw water balloons at them. Ganesh, Deepti Sunaina, Babu Gogineni, Kaushal, Amit Tiwari, and Nandini Rai performed this task. This task went very well.
Nani headed towards the elimination process. Initially, he revealed that Nandini Rai, Ganesh, Babu Gogineni and Amit Tiwari were safe. He asked Kaushal and Deepthi Sunaina to stand up. But later, he announced that both of them are safe.
Nani announced there is a twist in the show and no one will be eliminated from Bigg Boss 2 Telugu. All the six nominated contestants – Ganesh, Nandini Rai, Deepthi Sunaina, Amit Tiwari, Kaushal and Babu Gogineni are safe. He also announced that it is not one ex-contestant who is to give a re-entry, but two contestants. He added that two ex-participants received the highest number of votes and hence the two of them would enter the house. Nani welcomed anchor Shyamala and Nuthan Naidu as wildcard entrants inside the Bigg Boss 2 Telugu house.
With 12 Cr votes, the highest ever registered on Bigg Boss 2 Telugu, common man Nutan Naidu and anchor Shyamala re-entered the house of Bigg Boss 2 Telugu. When Shyamala was asked to come on the stage, she thanked the audience who voted for her and said that this time she was not scared of anything. Nutan Naidu also said that this time he has understood the nature of other contestants little bit better and hence he would play a fair and square game in Bigg Bogg house. Nutan Naidu added that he is inspired by Burning Star Samoornesh Babu, and would give a tough competition this time.
from topstories – Tollywood