Is RX director Ajay Bhupathi is getting married? According to the latest buzz in the Film Industry, the young director Ajay Bhupathi, who is basking in the glory of his directorial venture RX starring Karthikeya and Payal Rajput, is going to tie the knot and his wedding will take place during the last week of August month. Though there is not much detail regarding his bride, but the sources close to him, has confirmed this news that he is going to get married. Everyone is eager to know that who is lucky lady who stole the heart of Ajay Bhupathi.
The official details regarding Ajay Bhupathi’s wedding are yet to be out and sources close to him reveal that very soon the director will make official announcement. His fans have already started to sent wishes to him an advanced happy married life. The sources added that Ajay Bhupathi wanted to prove himself first and waiting for the right time. Finally his recent offering RX 100 has turned out blockbuster at the box office.
Recently during the media interaction, Ajay Bhupathi said, “I came to Hyderabad with just a bag, and I didn’t know anything about the directions. I worked on my contacts, and here I am. I think I still need some time to register this feeling.“ Ajay Bhupathi has worked with directors Veeru Potla and Ram Gopal Varma.
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