The teaser of upcoming Sandalwood movie Seetharama Kalyana in which Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy’s son Nikhil Kumar is playing the lead role, has been out. Some on Social media are asking is it remake of Sarrainodu? After watching the action sequences in the teaser of Seetharama Kalyana, everyone is shocked and they are comparing Nikhil Kumar’s fight sequences with the action episode of Stylish Star Allu Arjun starrer Sarrainodu. It stands on the top 1 trending on YouTube and created record as it has received 1.5 Million views in just 17 hours. Lahri Music has confirmed this news as they wrote on the twitter, “Fastest 1.5 Views in just 17 Hours for #Nikhilkumar and @RachitaRamDQ *ing #Seetharamakalyana teaser – Produced by #AnithaKumaraSwamy Directed by #AHarsha Music by @anuprubens Audio On @LahariMusic #SeetharamakalyanaTeaser.”
Few comments are as follows:
Chiru Baddela: @alluarjun movie #sarrainodu fight scenes same 2 same.
Harsha Tarak: #sarinodu remake aa ? As it is dimpesaru
Sachin Kumbar: Yes it’s all action is copy to telagu sarainodu movie
Ram Krishh: I think this film telugu sarinodu remake?
Ram: It looks same as sarrainodhu
Raju Kanneboina:Sarinodu remake ??
Raghu Rag: Not remake oly fight
Kiran Kuru: Fights copy madidare allu Arjun style..but movie sarinodu remake alla ansuthe
The sources say that the film Seetharama Kalyana will have six fight sequences and Nikhil will be seen fighting in a suit like the British spy. The film is being directed by choreographer A Harsha and being made under the banner of Channambika Productions has Rachita Ram playing the female lead. Apart from the lead pair, the film has other stars like Girija Lokesh, Tamil star Sarath Kumar, and Ravi Shankar in supporting roles. It may be mentioned here that Nikhil Kumar’s debut film Jaguar , was released in 2016 in Telugu as well as Kannada.
from topstories – Tollywood