Esha Gupta who shook her leg in Sukumar’ directorial venture Rangasthalam starring Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Samantha Akkineni, is raising the temperature with her bold pic. Today morning Rangasthalam item girl Esha Gupta took to her Instagram to share her latest pic from photoshoot in which she is seen wearing a monokoni. She captioned the pic, “Angels protect me, demons respect me”- @artneverlieschico.” On several occasions, she has been trolled for her bold avatar by the netizens.
However, despite of the trolls and all the negativity she faces, the sexy siren of Bollywood , Esha Gupta never misses to treat her fans with her sizzling pictures. According to Esha Gupta, the best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them. Her advice to them is to “do something worthwhile” with their time, instead of making nasty comments on the social media sites.
Though the pic is black and white in which Esha Gupta in flaunting her curvaceous body in a monokini, but she looks hot and hell. Her pose and her curls are making the picture look more gorgeous.
Ayushmann Khurrana’s wife Tahira Kashyap also commented on Esha Gupta’ post. She replied with a smiley and a thumbs up emoji.
On the work side, Esha Gupta will be seen next on the big screen in Ashok Nanda’s One Day: Justice Delivered, which also starring Anupam Kher.
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