Mega Power Star Ram Charan was present at the 80s reunion which happened recently. Mega Star Chiranjeevi hosted the party at his new house and has shown his newly designed house to all his old friends. Ram Charan too was present there as the party happened in the house. Mega Power Star is stunned with the way all the classes of the 80s are making it a habit to meet every year and have a gala time. He even expressed that can his generation be like that in the future? That idea sparked his mind and now it is said that Ram Charan is already thinking to implement the idea.
With the name the class of 2000s, Ram Charan is thinking to arrange a grand party for all his contemporaries that include Mahesh, Pawan, NTR, Allu Arjun, Prabhas, Ram, Nithiin, Kajal, Tamannah, Shruti Haasan etc., Not now, as these many stars have to take free time from their busy schedule. So, Charan is thinking to throw this grand party next year after he completes the shoot of RRR. Ram Charan is now preparing to call those heroes and share this idea of a reunion and also ask them to have one free day in common between all the stars. Let’s see whether this reunion can happen or not.
Ram Charan is currently playing the lead role in the movie RRR in which he is portraying the role of Alluri Seetha Rama Raju. Alia Bhatt will be seen as his heroine. NTR Jr is also playing the lead role in this movie in which he will be seen in the role of Komaram Bheem. British stage artist Olivia Morris has been selected as NTR’s heroine. Rajamouli is directing this mega budgeted fictional periodic drama which is going to be released in 10 languages in the year 2020.
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