Super Star Mahesh Babu is one such star who blindly believes the conviction of the director. Many filmmakers from the industry who worked with Mahesh has said that on numerous occasions. If the script gets locked there is nothing Mahesh is going to ask as far as the shoot goes as per the script. But for Sarileru Neekevvaru, which is Mahesh Babu’s ongoing 26th project there are several rumors being spread that Mahesh Babu has asked for an alternate climax after watching the rushes as the climax shot is doesn’t come as said before. So with no choice, Anil Ravipudi has designed an alternate climax and currently that shoot is happening in the outskirts of Hyderabad.
But the reality is that those rumors are just baseless. It is from a confirmed source very close to Mahesh who revealed that Sarileru Neekevvaru shoot has been going on smoothly and no alternate scenes are being shot. It is completely baseless that Mahesh has asked for an alternate climax. Mahesh doesn’t involve in those things once he is okay with the script. Those are just false rumors and Mahesh fans need not believe that. The shooting which is currently happening on the outskirts is an action sequence but not climax. In fact, the climax has been shot much earlier. So, Mahesh fans can just relax.
In Sarileru Neekevvaru, Mahesh is playing the role of an Army Major Ajay Krishna. The teaser which was released recently caught up well with the audience. The movie has Rashmika Mandanna playing the female lead role. Vijayashanti is making her comeback with this movie and Rajendra Prasad, Prakash Raj plays very important roles. Devi Sri Prasad is composing music for the movie which is slated for release on January 11th. Anil Sunkara is producing the film in association with Dil Raju.
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