Sudigali Sudheer is playing the lead role in an upcoming comedy entertainer movie ‘Software Sudheer’, which is being directed by debutante Rajasekhar Reddy Pulicherla. The comic caper Software Sudheer’ features the Jabardasth actor essaying the role of a software engineer and in this film, he is sharing the screen space with Dhanya Balakrishna. Yesterday the makers of Software Sudheer starring Sudigali Sudheer released a trailer in the presence of other small-screen stars like Poorna, Sekhar, Pradeep, Rashmi Gautam, Varshini and Aadi. On this occasion, Pradeep said, “I wish Sudigali Sudheer becomes a big star with this film. He has done a great job in this film. The action and emotional scenes, along with the comedy, have come out very well. I wish Software Sudheer will become a success.”
Rashmi Gautam, Sudigali Sudheer’ Jabardasth co-star, also talked about Software Sudheer’s trainer said, “The trailer looks great and Sudigali Sudheer looks terrific in dance and action sequences.”
According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Dhanya Balakrishna was not the first choice of this film. Initially, the makers wanted to rope Rashmi Gautam in Sudigali Sudheer starrer but as she rejected the offer due to her busy schedule, the role landed in the lap of Dhanya Balakrishna.
The sources say that Rashmi Gautam could not accommodate her dates to the film of Sudigali Sudheer starrer because of her busy schedule. So Sudheer decided to settle with Dhanya Balakrishna. But the fans of Sudigali Sudheer and Rashmi Gautam are missing their crazy combination.
Software Sudheer is helmed by debutant director Rajasekhar Reddy Pulicharla and produced by K Sekhar Raju under Sekhara Art Creations.
Apart from the lead pair, Dhanya Balakrishna and Sudigali Sudheer, the upcoming comedy-drama Software Sudheer also has popular singer Gaddar, veteran heroine Indraja, Sayaji Shinde, Prudhvi Raj and Posani Krishna Murali in the important roles.
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