Telugu actor, Kaushik Babu, recently tied the knot with Chennai girl Rathna Bhavya. The wedding of Kaushik Babu and Rathna Bhavya took place in Chennai and was followed by a grand reception at Taramati Baradari.
On the occasion of the wedding, Rathna Bhavya wore a pink and blue kanjeevaram saree, the groom Kaushik Babu complimented her look with his round-neck sherwani, paired with a golden dhoti.
The reception was attended by over 2000 guests, including Telangana’s finance minister, Harish Rao, the former chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, Kiran Kumar Reddy, veteran filmmaker Raghavendra Rao, and others.
Kaushik Babu was born to Vijay Babu in Andhra Pradesh. His mother is Sharada worked in Raj Bhavan. He has acted in several Mythological Television serials in Telugu and Tamil languages. Kaushik Babu has played in Lord Vishnu, Lord Venketashwar, Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva. One of his roles as Adi Shankara in a Telugu movie Shri Jagadguru Adi Shankara, 2013 was his best role to date.
Kaushik Babu has also acted in a movie is the Malayalam genre, where he made his screen presence in Nadabrahmam. In Nadabrahmam too, his acting was appreciated by the movie lovers. His other movies include Shirdi Sai and Pavithra of Telugu cinema and Sami Manikandan in Kollywood. Kaushik Babu is a master in western dance and he is also trained in Kuchipudi dance. He has received many prestigious awards which include Nandish Awards and Asia Net Television Awards. He won the Nandish Awards as a child artist.
Kaushik Babu is known for films like Pavitra, White Boys and Takkari Donga. Kaushik Babu starrer Pavitra is all about the story of a prostitute essayed by Shriya Saran. The story of Pavithra is inspired from a real incident where a prostitute, who was humiliated by a politician, goes on to defeat him in an election. Roja Selvamani, Tanikella Bharani and Kaushik Babu played a crucial role in this film.
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