Nag Ashwin who made is directorial debut in 2015 with the coming-of-age philosophical drama film Yevade Subramanyam starring Natural Star Nani and in 2018, he came up with multilingual drama Mahanati, the movie based on South Indian Legendary actress Savitri, is in new headlines once again for his Lust. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Nag Ashwin is all set to direct an episode of Lust Stories.
Mahanati director Nag Ashwin has been working on developing a couple of story ideas and the sources say that recently the director shown his interest in directing one of the episodes of the Telugu anthology, on the lines of Lust Stories, which will be aired on Netflix.
It is a known news that Nag Ashwin is turning producer with the film Jathi Ratnalu. The film Jathi Ratnalu’ first look also made a lot of noise recently. It has also come out that Nag Ashwin was so much impressed with the script that he even decided to pen dialogues for the film which will be quite fun and entertaining. Jaathi Ratnalu starrngAgent Sai Srinivasa Athreya’s hero Naveen Polishetty and Comedians Priyadarshi and Rahul Ramakrishna in lead roles. Now Nag Ashwin he is all set to direct Lust Stories. The sources added that Nag Ashwin has also get an opportunity to introduce new and raw talent.
Filmmakers Gazi fame Sankalp Reddy, Pelli Choopulu fame Tharun Bhascker and Oh Baby fame director Nandini Reddy are working on the remaining three episodes of the Telugu anthology, and they are still working on the script, which will be bankrolled by Bollywood producer Ronnie Screwvala.
Nag Ashwin started his career as an assistant director for the film Nenu Meeku Telusa…? He then worked as an assistant director with Sekhar Kammula for the films Leader and Life Is Beautiful.
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