All the four accused in the kidnap, rape and murder of Disha were killed in an alleged encounter early Friday morning near Shadnagar, where they committed the crime. Everyone showered praises on the police and government for handing out instant justice. The Congratulatory messages poured in on the police and the Telangana Government for the ‘encounter.’ Samantha Akkineni also reacted on the encounter of the accused and said, “ I Love Telangana. The Fear is a great solution and sometimes the only solution.”
Samantha Akkineni, is known for being outspoken on her social media, initially maintained silence on this Telangana rape incident, but when she heard the news of encounter of the alleged criminals, she came forward and reacted on Disha’ rape and murder case.
Samantha explained that why she maintained the silence on this issue, she said, “I didn’t say anything about Disha’ rape and murder incident when it happened because every msg I received accusing me of not paying my condolences to victims was reminder of how little I have done to help the women in the society and one tweet wasn’t going to free me of that guilt.”
The celebrities and scores of others welcomed the ‘encounter’ killings, saying that justice has been done to Disha. Hundreds of residents of Shadnagar reached the place of ‘encounter’ and shouted the slogans, praising the killing.
On the work side, Samantha will be seen in web series The Family Man 2. The Family Man follows a middle-class man, essayed by Manoj Bajpayee, secretly working for the National Investigation Agency. The first season featured Priyamani, Sharib Hashmi, Kishore Kumar and Gul Panag. it started streaming on 20th September and opened to universal acclaim and great reviews. In the second season, Manoj Bajpayee will reprise his role of Srikant Tiwari, a family man working as a senior analyst in the TASC force, a fictional wing of India’s Anti-Terror squad. It is being heard that Samantha is playing the role of terrorist in this web series The Family man 2.
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