Upasana Kamineni Konidela, the wife of Mega Power Star Ram Charan, and Chiranjeevi’ D-I-L is not just the Vice Chairperson of Apollo Foundation, but she is one of the top young inspirational influencers in India. Mega daughter-in-law Upasana is also the Editor in Chief for the famous B Positive magazine of health and lifestyle. Now Upasana is an organic farmer too. Mega Bahu who is an active user of social media sites, took to her Twitter to share her few pics and said, “ Gobar Girl with dad.”
Upasana posted few photographs of herself turning into a gobar girl in the organic farm, where she spent the quarantine time and learnt organic farming, composting, and methods to reuse the food waste and many more.
She has turned organic farmer at her father’s farmland and described her father as the Modern Day Farmer. Upasana is learning composting, how to reduce and re-use food waste and the beauty of adapting sustainable lifestyle from him.
On the otherside, Ram Charan is currently working for his upcoming big budget drama RRR, in which he is sharing the screen space with Jr NTR. The movie RRR is being helmed by SS Rajamouli and is bankrolled by DVV Danayya whereas it has the music by Keeravani.
Gobar Girl with Dad – the Modern Day Farmer.
Learning organic farming, composting, how to reduce/re use food waste & the beauty of adapting sustainable lifestyle. pic.twitter.com/3iNJ69fRHF— Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) May 14, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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