The National award winning actress Keerthy Suresh has become very picky with her choices post Mahanati, the biopic of South Indian legendary actress Savitri. Currently she has number of projects such as Rang De, Miss India and a movie under Nagesh Kukunoor’ direction, in her kitty. Her movie Miss India is ready for the release whereas Rang De is 70 percent completed. According to the latest update, noted producer Dil Raju has come in the support of Keerthy Suresh and has acquired the distribution rights of Nagesh Kukunoor’ film which is titled Good Luck Sakhi.
Keerthy Suresh starrer Good Luck Sakhi is being produced by young producers Shravya Varma and Sudheer Chandra. It is reported that nearly half of the amount of the allotted Rs 12 Cr budget has been spent already, with only half of the shoot completed so far. Anticipating a budget hike in the coming schedules, the producers approached Dil Raju.
Dil Raju told the young producers Shravya Varma and Sudheer Chnadra that he would complete the film Good Luck Sakhi and return their investments after the movie hits screens and the young producers happily agreed.
The movie Good Luck Sakhi also has Aadhi Pinisetty and Jagapathi Babu in lead roles, which has the music by Devi Sri Prasad.
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