Recently Harish Shankar – Bandla Ganesh became talk of the town. It all started when Harish Shankar missed Gabbar Singh producer Bandla Ganesh’s name in his tweet made on the occasion of 8 years completion of the film. This made Bandla Ganesh hurt and he has made some sensational comments on the director. He said that Harish Shankar was in flops before Gabbar Singh and it was him who has given Gabbar Singh and change his career. Also he commented that Harish Shankar is capable of doing only remakes.
Harish Shankar has clarified once and all about this issue. In a recent interview, Harish Shankar said that he doesn’t care about the allegations made by a credibility less person. If it was either Dil Raju or Mythri Naveen or Allu Aravind I could have thought that I made a mistake. But I will not consider him. Coming to remakes, in my total 8 movies I remade only 2 and those were super hits. I had scored three block busters which are straight movies as well. Pawan Kalyan garu gave me Gabbar Singh but not him. In fact it was Naga Babu who has producer first for Gabbar Singh, later Bandla Ganesh came into the project revealed Harish Shankar.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood