It is known news that Young actor Raj Tarun, who carved a niche portraying romantic characters, is playing the role of a stand-up comedian in his upcoming rom-com, which is directed by newcomer Santosh Mohan Veeranki. The makers have already released the first look poster of the film that featured Raj Tarun hiding the face standing in front of a microphone. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, the makers of this film are planning to approach Simran Bagga, who is quite popular among the senior generation as her spicy appearances in films like Samarasimha Reddy and others are unforgettable. If Simran Bagga says yes, she will be seen essaying the role of Raj Tarun’ mother in this romantic and comedy entertainer.
Simran Bagga has acted with almost all the top stars of Telugu film Industry before retiring from heroine roles. Now the reports are coming that Simran is making her comeback in the film Industry and is all set to essay the role of Raj Tarun’ mother in Santosh Mohan Veeranki’ directorial venture. Raj Tarun is essaying the role of standup comedian in this film.
On the otherside, Raj Tarun is currently awaiting the release of his next film, Orey Bujjiga.
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