Hero turned character artist Jagapathi Babu and Mega Star Chiranjeevi have recently shared screen space with the film Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy where Chiranjeevi has played the titular role and Jaggu Bhai was seen as Veera Reddy which is very crucial. As per the latest reports, the duo is going to share screen space again very soon.
Going into the details, Chiranjeevi is currently playing the lead role in Acharya which is being directed by Koratala Shiva.
The film’s shooting has so far completed 35 percent and the remaining portion will be wrapped post lockdown. Post Acharya, Chiru has confirmed his next project as Lucifer remake.
Sujeeth has been selected as the director for this project and the director is currently busy making key changes to the script to suit Telugu nativity. As per the latest update, Jagapathi Babu has been roped in for a crucial role in the movie. However, an official confirmation regarding this will be out very soon.
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