SS Rajamouli a few months back has announced that his next will be with Super Star Mahesh Babu. Super Star fans are naturally excited about the news. Mahesh-Rajamouli combo is in news for almost a decade. They have decided to work together many years back but somehow their combo is getting delayed. Durga Arts owner KL Narayana has the dates of both these stars and he will produce this project.
Rajamouli has laid plans to complete RRR by Sankranthi 2021 and start the Mahesh project by at least the second half of 2021 as the script is now in the final stages of discussion.
However, with the latest coronavirus scare, all the shootings got postponed and RRR is the worst hit of all of them.
RRR release has now been postponed from Sankranthi 2021 to the second half of the year which means the Rajamouli-Mahesh project will be postponed to the second half of 2022. This is indeed sad news for Mahesh fans who are eagerly waiting to see Mahesh-Rajamouli combo.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood