Everyone is aware that the controversial film maker Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV has announced a flick on Pawan Kalyan titled ‘Power Star‘. He has found the hero of his upcoming flick as well. Earlier, RGV targeted a few groups of people by directing ‘Lakshmi’s NTR’ and ‘Amma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Biddalu’ and now he is back with one more.
RGV has picked an actor who is a die-hard fan of Pawan Kalyan. The Officer director selects actors who look exactly like the persons on whom he makes a film and one must praise Ram Gopal Varma for his casting skills. Now according to the latest buzz, RGV himself is going to play the role of Bandla Ganesh in his upcoming directorial venture Power Star.
The sources say that Power Star has many characters resembling the real time people right from Megastar Chiranjeevi, Mega brother Naga Babu, Mega producer Allu Aravind, Trivikram Srinivas and Bandla Ganesh.
Interestingly RGV is playing the role of Bandla Ganesh in Power Star. It looks like that Ram Gopal Varma has chosen this path for pulling the attention of the movie lovers.
Fans of Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan are seriously in agony ever since the first look of Power Star is out.
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