Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput‘ last film ‘Dil Bechara‘ dropped its trailer recently, which went viral on the social media. The upcoming romantic movie ‘Dil Bechara’ is setting many records even before its OTT release. The trailer of the film Dil Bechara starring Sushant Singh Rajput has garnered 10 million likes from over 69 million views on YouTube and has become the most liked trailer in the world.
‘Dil Bechara’ is based on the bestselling novel “The Fault in Our Stars” by author John Green. The movie has Sanjana Sanghi as the female lead, and is directed by noted Casting Director Mukesh Chhabra and produced under the banner of Fox Star Studios.
Dil Bechara’s audio album is composed by Oscar Award winning music director AR Rahman. The film Dil Bechara will have its world digital premiere on Disney Plus Hotstar on 24th July.
The trailer of the film ‘Dil Bechara’ has received a positive response from viewers and many Bollywood celebrities, who have lauded it and Sushant Singh Rajput’s performance as well. The trailer gives way to the story of Manny and Kizie, who are left to face a tragic twist to their lives. The movie was originally slated for 8th May theatre release but it could not see the light of the day due to the coronavirus induced lockdown.
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