The upcoming fourth season of Bigg Boss Telugu hosted by Nagarjuna will be launched on September 6. The channel Star Maa airing the show has confirmed the same with a new teaser on its social media handles. In the 40-second teaser, host Nagarjuna promises better entertainment in the 4th season of the reality TV series. King Nagarjuna has shot for the teaser in which he will be seen in three different avatars. 16 contestants have been finalized and they are currently under isolation at a quarantine facility in Hyderabad. Now the reports are coming that three of them have tested positive for the Coronavirus so Bigg Boss 4 Telugu team is upset.
YouTube star Milkuri Gangavva of My Village Show fame is one among those three contestants, who tested positive for Covid-19. Another young singer is said to have been tested positive for the Coronavirus along with another contestant whose identity is still being verified.
The sources revealed that the organizers have already chosen new contestants as replacements to the Coronavirus positive contestants. Meanwhile the choreographer Raghu master confirmed that he was offered the show but he chose not to go there for personal reasons. Keep watching the space for more updates on Bigg Boss 4 Telugu.
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