We are talking about Salman Khan. It is known news that Ram Charan dubbed for the character of Salman Khan in the Telugu version of Hindi movie Prem Ratan Dhan Payoo. Salman Khan is all set to host the upcoming season of controversial reality show Bigg Boss Hindi. The reports are coming that Salman Khan is charging whopping Rs 250 Crore for the entire season. The show will be aired from 4th October on Colours TV. Following the grand success of the last season, there has been a lot of hype around season 14 of Bigg Boss this year.
Now, the latest buzz in the film industry reveals that Salman Khan is being paid a staggering Rs 250 crore paycheck to host Bigg Boss 14 season. Apparently, for the 12 weeks, Kick star Salman Khan will only shoot for 2 episodes per week and he will be charging Rs 10.25 Cr per episode. This deal also includes Salman Khan’ participation in some of the award shows on the Colours TV.
Last year, Bollywood actor Salman Khan had charged around Rs 12-14 crore per week. The Bigg Boss Hindi show will have the same concept as last year and it will only have celebrity participants.
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