Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu and director Trivikram Srinivas parted ways 10 years ago due to creative differences. Now, it looks like they are all set to reunite for a film. Mahesh Babu, the Prince of Tollywood, was last seen in Anil Ravipudi’ directorial venture Sarileru Neekevvaru, which hit the theatres on the occasion of Sankranthi and was turned out decent hit at the box office . The film turned out to be a profitable venture for the producers and distributors. Currently Mahesh Babu is getting ready to start the shoot of his next project Sarkaru Vaari Paata, which will be directed by Parasuram of Geetha Govindam fame.
The reports are coming out that the differences between Mahesh Babu and Trivikram have been sorted out and Maharshi star is said to be in talks with director Trivikram Srinivas, who is basking in the success of his latest release, Ala Vaikuntapurramloo.
Trivikram Srinivas is ready with a powerful script that suits Mahesh Babu. Trivikram worked on the script for over 5 weeks and he is ready for the narration. If everything will go accordingly, the upcoming film will be bankrolled by Haarika and Hassine Creations in association with GMB Entertainment.
After the successful movie Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo, all the top actors of Tollywood are showing their interest to work with Trivikram.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood