Natural Star Nani is currently busy in the promotional activities of V which is slated to release on Amazon Prime Video on 5th September. The film, directed by Mohana Krishna Indraganti, also has Sudheer Babu, Nivetha Thomas and Aditi Rao Hydari in the lead roles. For the first time, Nani is playing a role with negative shades and the trailer received good response from all the corners. Nani arranged couple of screenings for his friends and his family members in a private studio in Hyderabad from the past couple of days. Recently during the media interaction, Mohana Krishna Indraganti revealed that Power Star Pawan Kalyan and Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu was the first choice of V not Nani and Sudheer Babu.
Mohana Krishna Indraganti revealed that his first choice for the film was Pawan Kalyan and Mahesh Babu, but for some reason, things did not materialize, so he chose to have Nani and Sudheer Babu with who he already made the movies- Gentleman and Sammohanam respectively.
The reports are coming that Natural Star Nani is extremely thrilled with the response and the feedback that came for his role and performance. The movie is produced by Dil Raju. The film V inked a massive digital deal and the makers are left in profit even after the movie getting a digital release.
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