Natural star Nani starrer V is going to be released on Amazon Prime video on 5th September. Recently Amazon Prime Video’s much-awaited Telugu action-thriller, V unveiled its trailer, and it has been garnering rave reviews from the movie lovers. Nani and Sudheer Babu starrer V movie trailer has garnered more than 10 million views in just 24 hours of its release. Filled with heavy action and mystery, Mohana Krishna Indraganti’ directorial venture V is a must-watch for its comedy, visuals and gripping storyline. The movie lovers are showering praises on the trailer on social media. Some of the comments are as follows:
Aakash Karanjavkar: It feels like Nani is talking about the movie in the trailer.
super hero: looks like hollywood range so excited nani VS sudheer babu interesting
mh c: did any one notice trailer, songs, voice everything is amplified to meet theatre experience even using headphones and cinematography is in peak level looks rich
Sai Gunavardhan: Bollywood will definitely try to remake this film. How many of u agree like here
Jovy Joyson Akkarapaty: Nani s laugh is a powerful laugh let the fun begin mali expectations matla irku dialogue of Nani s power wowiee Nani telugu actor V official trailer V looking forward for watching it Nani telugu actor he is a great and Amazing actor
Debanshu Bhoi:This movie is going to be the best movie in Nani and Sudheer Babu’s career Who else agree with me like
It is known news that Nani used to wait for the US Premieres’ talk for every movie of him and wait for the reviews and ratings. But this time there is no stress on reviews, collection, and overseas talk, because it is releasing on OTT platform.
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