It is known news that Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu’ new film has been titled Sarkaru Vaari Paata and will be directed by Parasuram, who earlier directed Geetha Govindam starring Vijay Deverakonda and Karnataka crush Rashmika Mandanna. The announcement was made on Mahesh Babu’ father and yesteryear superstar, Krishna’ birthday. S S Thaman has been roped in to compose music, cinematography is handled by P S Vinod, and art direction by A S Prakash. Sarkaru Vaari Pata is yet to start its shoot to date and this made the fans a bit itchy. The movie was just announced and the film’s pre-production is on. The sources say that Mahesh Babu has asked Parasuram to wrap up the complete music sittings of the film Sarkaru Vaari Paata and make the album ready before he starts shooting.
According to Mahesh Babu, this will help the film unit to plan better in the coming days and will also reduce the pressure on the music director Thaman as he can concentrate on other aspects of this upcoming movie.
Sarkaru Vaari Paata is being jointly produced by Mythri Movie Makers, GMB Entertainments, and 14 Reels Plus. According to Mahesh Babu, Sarkaru Vaari Paata with Parasuram will be a complete entertainer with a message.
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