The Ex-Bigg Boss Telugu contestant Nandini Rai slipped into the best of her s*xiest avatar. Nandini who is an active user of social media sites took to her Instagram to share a few photographs from her recent photoshoot, which are giving sleepless night to her young fans. Coming on the photographs, Nandini Rai is seen wearing a white bra and jeans short. By sharing these pic, Silly Fellows actress said, “A good thing is all the sweeter when won with pain.”
Nandini Rai is a model and the winner of the Miss Andhra Pradesh title of 2010. After modelling, she entered into the film industry. She made her debut in Telugu film industry in 2011 with the movie 040 and her popular movies are Mosagallaku Mosagadu, Silly Fellows and Sivaranjani.
Earlier during an interview, Nandini Rai had said, “I had a promising start to my career, with three big films initially in 2012, but some of the projects were shelved and a few did not work out. So I slipped into depression.
I got suicidal thoughts; I wanted to jump from my terrace or cut my wrists. I spent several sleepless nights thinking about my life, my career and other personal issues. I did not understand why I was not recognized.”
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