Rajesh Manduri, a budding writer has alleged that his script is plagiarized by the successful director Koratala Shiva. He alleged that his story has been misused. He has thrown the blame on the production house Mythri Movie Makers.
According to his version, Rajesh has narrated a script to the production house and they rejected it. He now alleges that the same production house went to Koratala Shiva and pitched the idea. Several versions of the script are already registered.
However, it seems there is a twist in the case. There is a Dispute Committee in Tollywood which is formed to resolve the issues in Tollywood. Rajesh has submitted the bounded script and single-line order of it to the Dispute Committee. According to him, they have simply forwarded to the director Koratala Siva.
Raged by the action, Rajesh is now preparing for the legal battle. He will now file a case against the Dispute Committee in the court. Then he will also file cases on Mythri Movie Makers and Koratala Shiva.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood https://ift.tt/3hMDRC1