Today on the occasion of the birth anniversary of legendary actor Allu Ramalingaih, Allu family has made a special announcement. According to the latest update, Allu family will come up with a state of the art film studio in the Gandipet area of Hyderabad. Allu Arjun and his family have decided to start the construction of its own studio on his grandfather Allu Ramalingaiah’s 99th birth anniversary on 1st October.
Allu studio will be built with some of the best facilities for the film making. Naa Peru Surya star Allu Arjun is trying to highlight the greatness of his late grandfather Allu Ramalingaiah, who featured in number of movies of the 80s.
The construction of the studios will happen soon. Mega producer Allu Aravind and his sons, Allu Sirish, Bobby, and Allu Arjun today made this special announcement, to construct a studio in memory of Padma Sri Allu Ramalingaiah.
It is known news that Allu Arjun announced his new project with Koratala Siva on 30th July, on the occasion of 16th death anniversary of his granddad Allu Ramalingaiah.
Meanwhile Allu Arjun is working with Sukumar of Rangasthalam fame for upcoming action drama Pushpa, in which he will essay the role of a lorry driver.
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