It is known news that the young actor Nithiin, Priya Prakash Varrier and Rakul Preet Singh are going to work together for an upcoming film. Today the makers made an official announcement regarding its title and also unveiled the pre look poster. Nithiin and Chandrasekhar Yeleti’ film has been titled Check. Coming on the poster, we can see the young hero Nithiin being hand-cuffed with a bunch of chess coins on the table. The barbed wire are also seen in Check poster. Nithiin starrer film Check is a prison thriller with Chess game as its backdrop.
Check is likely with reference to a term in the chess game. The Checkmate is when a person is out, and check is said when they are almost out.
The movie went on floors in 2019 but the shoot was halted due to lockdown and coronavirus outbreak but now it is expected to go on floors soon.
Rakul Preet Singh will play the female lead in Nithiin starrer ‘Check’ whereas Wink Girl Priya Prakash Varrier will play the second lead in the movie, which is being bankrolled by Bhavya Creations.
On the otherside, Nithiin will be next seen sharing the screen space with Keerthy Suresh in an upcoming romantic movie Rang De.
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