Sandeep Reddy Vanga is known for helming Arjun Reddy in Tollywood. Later he entered in Bollywood and came up with Kabir Singh. The blockbuster Kabir Singh, which was released in 2019, was slammed by a section of movie lovers and media but Shahid Kapoor-starrer also got immense love from the audiences. Kabir Singh ended up collecting Rs 278.24 Cr at the box office. After the release of Kabir Singh, Sandeep Reddy Vanga bagged another prime project, featuring none other than Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor. The film has been titled Animal and it is slated to go on floors after Ranbir Kapoor completes Brahmastra and Shamshera.
Now, according to the latest report a surprise announcement will be made on 1st January at 12:01 AM on T Series YouTube channel. Top Bollywood producers Krishan Kumar, Bhushan Kumar, Sandeep Reddy Vanga and his brother Pranay Vanga are jointly bankrolling the film Animal and they are going to make special announcement regarding the Ranbir Kapoor project on the occasion of New year.
Young B town girl Parineeti Chopra has been roped in to play the female lead in this crazy project, which also has Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol in key roles.
According to the latest report, the upcoming film Animal is a rustic, gangster drama.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood