Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar’ cute loving daughter Sitara Ghattamaneni underwent Coronavirus test recently and posted the video of the same on her Instagram, which is going viral. 8 years old Sitara shared her experience on microblogging page and suggested everyone to be safe, get tested for Covid-19 and form a safer society.
Although, the little girl Sitara was hesitant before doing the Coronavirus test, she had her mom Namrata by her side and holding her hand. She informed her fans that the Covid-19 test isn’t so bad, hard or painful like the way presume it. Sitara urged kids of her age to get tested without any fear.
Mahesh and Namrata’ daughter Sitara wrote, “My first time covid-19 test! The information for all the kids my age. I was very hesitant before doing the Coronavirus test but I had my mom next to me. It is not so bad, hard or painful.”
It is known news that recently Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt landed in Hyderabad and she gifted a beautiful dress to Sitara. The eco-friendly clothing was designed by Alia Bhatt fashion label.
On the work front, Mahesh Babu is all set to start the shoot of Parasuram’ directorial venture Sarkaru Vaari Paata which has Keerthy Suresh as a leading lady.
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