Pooja Kumar is known for acting in few movies –Vishwaroopam and PSV Garuda Vega. Now according to the latest report, the actress Pooja Kumar has become a mom as she has delivered a baby girl named Naavya Joshi. The news is confirmed by her husband Vishal Joshi.
Vishal Joshi took to his Instagram and said, “Once upon a time we were 2 and now we are 3. Pooja and I are so excited to introduce you all to our baby girl Naavya Joshi.” Now everyone is eager to know, why did Pooja Kumar keep her marriage a secret?
Pooja Kumar has acted in a number of American movies and shows, such as Park Sharks, Bollywood Beats, Man on a Ledge, Bollywood Hero, Brawl in Cell Block 99, Drawing with Chalk, Flavors, Hiding Divya, Night of Henna, Anything for You, , and Knots Urbane.
Her international projects include Vishwaroopam, and Vishwaroopam 2 in which she shared the screen space with Kamal Haasan. She made her debut in Tollywood with a movie PSV Garuda Vega, starring Dr Rajasekhar.
Pooja Kumar, who is a former Miss India USA, made her debut in Tamil film industry with 2000 film Kadhal Rojav. She has a crucial role in Sivaranjiniyum Innum Sila Pengalum, which is yet to hit the theaters.
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