After making his debut with the Telugu movie Hanuman Junction, which was released in 2001, Mohan Raja went on to remake several successful Telugu movies into Tamil. Now after a long gap of 19 years, Mohan Raja is making his comeback in Tollywood with a Telugu film which is a remake of Malayalam drama Lucifer .
It’s worth mentioning that Chiranjeevi’ film Lucifer remake was originally planned to be made with Sujeeth and later with Meher Ramesh. But Mohan Raja has been officially signed to direct Lucifer remake which is expected to go on the floor very soon. Now according to the latest report, Satyadev has been roped in this Lucifer remake and will be seen working with Megastar Chiranjeevi.
The sources say that Satyadev was offered a key role in the Lucifer remake. Chiranjeevi personally called Satyadev and offered the character. The actor recently met Chiranjeevi and thanked him.
Satyadev is popular for acting in ‘Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya’, and currently he has a number of movies such as ‘Thimmarusu’ and ‘Gurtunda Seethakalam’, in his kitty.
Chiranjeevi is playing the role of Mohanlal in this remake which is bankrolled by NV Prasad. Meanwhile, Megastar Chiranjeevi will be next seen in upcoming Telugu film, Acharya.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood