Today on the occasion of new year, the makers of upcoming action drama Krack unveiled the trailer, which is going viral and Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja fans are going gaga over it. According to the latest report, Krack trailer has minted 2M+ real time views with 100K+ likes in just four hours. The makers of Krack confirmed the same by releasing a poster.
The trailer starts with Venkatesh Daggubati’s voice introducing Ravi Teja’ character who is playing a police officer named Potharaju Veera Shankar. The film also has Shruti Hassan as the female lead.
The film Krack marks the 3rd collaboration between Ravi Teja and director Gopichand Malineni, after Don Seenu and Balupu. And it also marks the second collaboration between Ravi Teja and Shruti Haasan after Balupu.
Earlier there was a strong buzz in the film industry that Krack is a remake of the Tamil film Theri, in which Vijay played the role of a cop. However, Gopichand Malineni busted the rumor by saying that this is not true.
The film Krack also has Ali, Devi Prasad, Samuthirakani, Chirag Jani, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Mouryani, Sudhakar and Vamsi Chaganti in the crucial roles, and it is slated to hit the theaters on the occasion of Sankranthi.
#KrackTrailer mints 2M+ Real time views with 100k+ likes in 4 hours , Fastest for @RaviTeja_offl #MassKaBaapTrailer @megopichand @MusicThaman @dop_gkvishnu @TagoreMadhu #Krack #KrackForSankranthi
— BARaju (@baraju_SuperHit) January 1, 2021
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