When shooting for Venky Atluri’ directorial venture starring the young actor Nithiin and National award winning actress Keerthy Suresh starrer had resumed in the month of October, the director had said that they had resumed shoot of the film with all Coronavirus precautions in place. Now according to the latest report, the makers of Rang De have locked its release date. Nithiin and Keerthy Suresh starrer Rang de will be released on 26th March in theaters in a very grand manner.
This is the first time Nithiin and Mahanti fame Keerthy Suresh have collaborated for a film, which is progressing at the brisk pace. And Rang De is Venky Atluri’s third film after romantic movies Tholi Prema and Mr Majnu. PC Sreeram is taking care of cinematography department whereas the music is scored by Devi Sri Prasad.
Apart from Nithiin and Keerthy Suresh, the film Rang De also has Rohini, Bramhaji, Vennela Kishore, Naresh, Kousalya, Vineeth, Abhinav Gomatam, Gayithri Raghuram, Satyam Rajesh, Suhas and others in key roles.
Meanwhile, Keerthy Suresh has few films in her kitty. She will be seen playing a lead role in a woman centric film Good Luck Sakhi. She is also the part of Rajinikanth starrer Annaatthe and will also be sharing the screen space with superstar Mahesh Babu in Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
Love, Romance & Lot’s of Entertainment coming to theatres near you from 26th March. #RangDeOn26thMarchhttps://t.co/MB6NDzD0sx#RangDe @actor_nithiin @KeerthyOfficial @pcsreeram @thisisdsp @dirvenky_atluri @vamsi84 @adityamusic @SVR4446 @ShreeLyricist @NavinNooli @SitharaEnts pic.twitter.com/MMrStV1zsd
— BARaju (@baraju_SuperHit) January 1, 2021
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